St. Mary's R.C. Church, Littleborough and

St. Patrick's R.C. Church, Rochdale

Important information if you want to be baptised at St. Patrick's or St. Mary's?

Baptisms take place by appointment, at St Patrick’s on Saturdays after our noon mass, or at St Mary's, Littleborough, on Sundays, after the 11.15 am Mass.

Younger children and babies

Parents must attend a short course before they can book a baptism; this is held at St Mary’s, irrespective of whether you have your child baptised at St Patrick’s or St Mary’s. The course, which lasts for about an hour one night a week, for two weeks, takes place when there are enough names on the list to run it. You will be in the company of a number of parents who are planning a baptism.

Older children

Short sessions of instruction are provided for the child after the 9.30 am Sunday Mass at St. Patrick’s, in the company of other candidates. (Parents must attend with their children.) Sessions run at intervals, as announced.

Please note:

  • If you do not live within our parish, you must seek permission from your own parish priest for baptism to take place here.
  • At least one of the godparents must be a practising Catholic.

As a first step, please call into the sacristy after Mass and introduce yourself to our Parish Priest, Fr Robert. He will supply you with an application form, which you must return to us, and then we will contact you when the next course is scheduled.

Best wishes

Mrs K Cottam, Parish Administrator,

St Patrick’s and St Mary of the Annunciation

Our office line is 01706 644412 (St Patrick's, 9 am to 2 pm Mon-Wed) or 01706 378261 (St. Mary's 9 am to 1 pm Thursday).

Next Baptism Preparation Dates

St Patrick’s Church: 

  • Sunday 26th January
  • Sunday 2nd February
  • Sunday 9th February
  • Sunday 16th February

All will run after the 9.30am Mass in the Parish House or in Church.

St Mary’s Church:

  • Sunday 2nd March
  • Sunday 9th March
  • Sunday 16th March
  • Sunday 23 d March

All will run after the 11.15am Mass in the Parish Centre or in Church.

Baptism preparation for children who are yet to start school can be arranged through the Parish Office.

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