The Bishops Conference has now informed us that from midnight on Wednesday 4 November 2020, all public Services in churches must cease. This means that we can no longer celebrate public Masses during the month of November. However, we are able to open our churches for private prayer.
Our prayer will be for the end of the pandemic, and during this month of November, as well as remembering our own faithful departed, we will also pray for all those who have lost their lives to this virus. With faith in God, our prayer is that we will be able to come together again in December, and celebrate Mass as a community once again. The times for private prayer are as follows:
St. Patrick’s
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 10 am to 11 am
St. Mary’s
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10am to 11 am
Sunday 11.15 am to 12 noon
During private prayer there will be normally be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
To make sure that there is adequate ventilation in church, the doors and fire exits remain open throughout prayer sessions so if the weather is cold, please wrap up warmly!