St. Mary's R.C. Church, Littleborough and

St. Patrick's R.C. Church, Rochdale

What's happening at St. Mary's

  • Covenant Prayer Community

    We are a charismatic Prayer Community who have been meeting together for over 20 years. We meet every fortnight for an evening of prayer, worship, scripture and sharing.  We have led days of renewal, Flame Nights, formation courses, Parish renewal days, Community days, CaFE courses (Catholic Faith Exploration) and a recent parish Link Day.  We support each other as we journey through the ups and downs of our faith. We seek to make real and apparent the invitation of Pope Francis: “I invite all Christians, everywhere, at this very moment, to a renewed encounter with Jesus Christ.” (EG 3) 

  • Harvesters Catholic Men’s Group

    In most Catholic parishes, and churches in general, men are in the minority.  Harvester’s is a Catholic Men's Network set-up in 1998 as a response.  Harvesters at St. Mary’s provides an opportunity for men to meet with other men to be encouraged in our faith and to encourage others.  We gather informally with tea and coffee; pray; share scripture; talk about issues that affect our lives; look at how we can be encouragers.  New members always welcome

    Meetings: Bi-monthly, Saturday mornings 8.30am-10am (at different parish venues)

  • Music Ministry

    Music is currently provided for Sunday masses led by music team or backing tracks. Also provided for Sacramental programme and many other special occasions. We have a full PA set-up for vocal mics, guitars and Keyboard. There is also capability for backing tracks. In addition to using hymn books we also have our own “Extra Songs” supplement of over one hundred contemporary worship songs mostly written during the last 20 years by composers such as Jo Boyce, Matt Redman, Graham Kendrick, Stuart Townend, Chris Tomlin and many others. Please do get in touch if you would like to join the team 

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    Welcome Team

    Every single person in our parish is called to welcome others and a team of greeters regularly meet and greet people entering the building for Sunday mass. Each week different people undertake this ministry of joy as people are welcomed to our celebration whether it is a first visit or a regular parishioner. It is particularly important to recognise and  be recognised  as we remind one another that we are “one body” in Christ. New members always welcome – no training required!

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    Churches Together

    Local churches from all the denominations meet together regularly at each other’s churches to pray, to discuss events and to share celebrations.  It is vitally important that churches demonstrate unity by their actions. We recently re-affirmed our commitment to each other by signing a Declaration of Intent during a special service held at St Barnabas, Shore on 21st January 2018. Regular events include Palm Sunday Celebration; Good Friday witness; Lake Service (Dawn) Easter Day; Pentecost Walk of Witness.

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