To begin with, on Sunday 18 October, there will be the morning Mass only, at the usual time of 9.30 am. This is in addition to our other Masses:
- Tuesday 10 am
- Thursday 7 pm
- Saturday 12 noon
If you are thinking of joining us for the first time, you might like to know we adhere to the following guidelines to keep everyone safe:
- Upon entry, everyone should wear a mask (and leave it on throughout Mass), supply their name and telephone number for track and trace purposes and sanitize their hands.
- Parishioners will be directed to a seat by a steward, Once in your place please stay there and do not move around the church. Bench surfaces are sanitized at the end of each service.
- Singing is not allowed at present and there will be no Sign of Peace.
- A steward will direct you when it is your turn to receive Communion. This will be in the hand only and only under one kind. Communion is given/received in silence, preserving distance between the priest, yourself and the next communicant. Please ensure that you return to your place after Communion and do not sit elsewhere.
- A basket for the collection of offertory envelopes, donations, Mass intentions and sanctuary lamps will be available at the back of church as you leave. Plain envelopes should be marked clearly for their intended purpose.
- The sacristy will be out of bounds for the present time. If you wish to speak to Fr Robert after Mass please notify a steward who will inform him and he will come out to you.
- The toilet in the church is closed for the time being.
- Sanitizer is available as you leave.
- Please leave the church immediately after Mass, and do not cluster with others either in church or in the car park.
- For the foreseeable future there will be no altar servers, no Eucharistic Ministers, no Offertory procession, no Bidding Prayers, no readers and no children’s liturgy.
Please note that the Sunday obligation to attend Mass is still suspended.
If you are able to attend Mass during the week instead of Sunday, it would be most helpful. That way we can leave the available space in church on Sundays for those who can only attend on that day.
To make sure that there is adequate ventilation in church, the doors and fire exits remain open throughout Mass so if the weather is cold, please wrap up warmly!